StartseiteLänderEuropaVereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien)Wissenschaftsberater der britischen Regierung: Bericht zu Potenzialen des Internets der Dinge für Großbritannien

Wissenschaftsberater der britischen Regierung: Bericht zu Potenzialen des Internets der Dinge für Großbritannien

Der oberste wissenschaftliche Berater der britischen Regierung Mark Walport hat einen Bericht mit seiner Sicht zum "Internet der Dinge" vorgelegt. In seinem Bericht beschreibt er diese Technologie als bevorstehende digitale Revolution mit sehr hohem wirtschaftlichen Potenzial und fordert die Regierung zur aktiven Mitgestaltung des Internets der Dinge auf. Dazu solle sie den Schulterschluss mit Industrie, Forschung und internationalen Partnern suchen sowie ein spezielles Beratungsgremium einsetzen, um Großbritannien eine weltweite Führungsrolle zu sichern.

Vision set for UK to become a world leader in the internet of things

A new report by the Government Chief Scientific Adviser says that we are on the verge of a new digital revolution.

Taking the lead in developing the internet of things could transform the way we live and deliver significant benefits to the economy, according to a report published today (18 December 2014) by the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser.

The internet of things - where digital networks are connecting everyday objects so data can be shared - creates enormous opportunities for both the private sector and government. It also has the potential to be applied in many areas of everyday life, transforming the way we use energy, how we travel and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The number of connected devices could potentially reach up to 100 billion globally by 2020 and industry estimates also suggest that these technologies could have a global value of nearly £10 trillion by then.

The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport, said: "We will only get the best from these technologies if academics, business leaders and government work together to ensure they deliver the greatest possible benefit to the public. This is why an advisory board would be able to lead on unlocking the full potential of these technologies."

Some of the review’s findings include:

  • government should support the development of standards that are open, interoperable and secure
  • an Internet of Things Advisory Board, bringing together private and public sectors should be created to allow for greater coordination of funding and support for the relevant technologies
  • government should work with industry and international partners to agree best security and privacy principles
  • open data sharing across all public bodies and regulated industries should enable the innovative use of real-time public data
  • the connectivity and continuity of devices can be maximised by working in partnership with industry, the regulator and academia
  • government, the education sector and businesses should prioritise efforts to supply capable data scientists through school learning and tertiary education

The review states that we are on the verge of a new digital revolution. There is a real opportunity for government to work with the UK’s best educators, scientists, engineers, designers and manufacturers to ensure that the UK plays a leading role.

Quelle: Government of the United Kingdom - Announcements Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Themen: Engineering und Produktion Information u. Kommunikation Innovation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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