StartseiteThemenMeeres-, Küsten- und PolargebieteGCC 2016 - Deutsch-kanadische Konferenz zur Analytik der Ozeane

GCC 2016 - Deutsch-kanadische Konferenz zur Analytik der Ozeane

Zeitraum: 17.11.2016 Ort: Berlin / Halifax Land: Deutschland / Kanada

Going into the fifth installment of the German Canadian Concourse series (GCC), in 2016 the GCC ventures into the ocean, discovering a new sea of data generated from disparate sources in globally exploring and monitoring our oceans. The GCC will connect with transatlantic topic-matter experts to explore the use of combing and analyzing oceans data and how to couple its scientific research with local and international business eco-systems that can generate larger economic growth through new businesses and enhanced services/products of existing organizations.

Canada and Germany, in particular Atlantic Canada and the maritime states of Germany, are predestined partners in the maritime sector. They already collaborate in various ways in oceans research such as educational exchange programs, shared scientific assets and international R&D programs. At the same time each region has different competencies relating to funding science, spurring corresponding economic growth and applying success models from other related industries. The GCC 2016 will investigate the existing transatlantic collaboration surrounding ocean analytics, while discovering new approaches and maritime opportunities in the following thematic pillars:

  • Cooperation in research & education
    - Existing transatlantic university collaboration and areas for expansion
  • Science & innovation
    - Use-cases for Oceans Data and new fields of innovation emerging from scientific research
  • Entrepreneurial eco-systems
    - Economic opportunity in oceans data and new & related business eco-systems to support growth
  • Security implications
    - How does commercialization of access to ocean data change the maritime security landscape

The 2016 Concourse will build on previous conferences (GCC 2014 "Transatlantic Start-UpSurge", GCC 2013 "Going Transatlantic through Space") seeking to emphasize key lessons from Germany and Canada.
